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Envision Columbus is a project of Heritage Fund. Completed in late 2018, it provides a flexible framework to guide the next evolution of downtown Columbus and the surrounding neighborhoods.

The 938-acre study area extends from the farmland south of downtown to Donner Park to the north, and from Mill Race and Noblitt Parks on the west to California Street on the east. The plan is an update to the 2005 Downtown Strategic Development Plan, and will establish priorities that will define the downtown area for years to come.


Envision Columbus Downtown Strategic Development Plan will influence the way residents and visitors alike work, live, shop, and play downtown. It will also strategically study the role and impact of the downtown within the greater community. The plan is intended to result in a downtown that reflects the community’s best attributes and highest ambitions – a downtown that is economically strong, inviting, dynamic, sustainable, attractive, and an appropriate center for a community that is dedicated to excellence and a high quality of life.

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